An Analysis of Kamma as Opportunity for Truth Realization

Chaichan Srihanu


This article aims at analysis of Kamma or actions as an opportunity for spiritual development to achieve the goal or Nibbana. Recent understanding of Kamma principle of early Buddhism became mistaken because the doctrine has been influenced by Theistic religions and
 objective individualism, which cause the view of man as “sinful” then, became ‘a set of being punished”. The real sense of Kamma is an opportunity to develop one-self free from attachment and being punished since Buddhism presents the truth which is appearing at present moment only not concerned with any God or supernatural powers. Thoughts, beliefs, principles etc. are all contents of mental formations rising and falling every moment but its contents cause the binding duration of various perceptions of actions resulting as images of past and future so common people cling to the wrong self-existence and other permanent planes without awareness. This misunderstanding happens due to various Buddhist scholars have focused on principle with objectivism rather than the true state of consciousness as subjectivism at present moment. In fact, Kamma is a functioning state of consciousness while proceeding at present moment and allowing efforts to develop mindfulness and wisdom not to grasp any thought’s contents. It is a process of cycling around enforced by wholesome and unwholesome consciousness, rising and falling immediately and resulting in present moment only. The action, thus is an opportunity to change unwholesomeness into wholesomeness or wholesomeness into unwholesomeness depending on the right or wrong views. It aims at being mindful to attain the Nibbana where all problems completely end up.


Kamma, opportunity, truth realization, mental formation, Nibbana

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