An Attitude of Social Work Research according to Buddhism towards Globalization or Postmodern

PhramahaChatchai Panyawajiro, PhramahaSom Kalayano, DejUdom Swamgboon, Jamyoon Lunghuang


An attitude of social work research point out that human and social development must start at the deep structure of human and society, all which are related to political, economic and environment systems. Attention is given to the relationship among all things, or Buddhist philosophy, “the Dependent Origination” (Paticcasamuppada), indicating arising, duration, and extinction of the problems or exhibiting the causes, effects, and means to solve problem through noble truths. When human and society can understand the roots of the problems according to Buddhist philosophy, Buddhist philosophy can further provide the way out of the problematic system called Padhanasankhara or the principles of creative efforts.
       The Padhanasankhara leads to the formulation of thoughts and strategies of eight aspects of Buddhist philosophy-based development, namely, Buddhist epistemology covering worldly and transcendental levels; family institution based
on national intelligence and, morality and ethics; national educational system developed to meet physical, social, mental and intellectual dimensions; the commitment of various organizations to continuous learning; ethical and moral responsibility of the mass media in disseminating useful and knowledge-based information to public; continuous development of the national research system; clear social development policies and plans; lastly and most importantly the management of human intellectual strengths.
       In addition, this knowledge synthesis suggests that the roles and application of Buddhadhamma for social development have brought about social change known in sociology and social work as “four levels of integrated Buddhist philosophy-based social control” i.e. individual, group, community, and societal levels whereby individual ethics was raised to the societal ethics. This is structural change both at the human and societal level.

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