The Starting Point of the Green ASEAN in Accordance with Buddhism

พระพรสวรรค์ ฐิติญาโณ


Forestry resources, the more days, destroying the handiwork of humans
that want to take advantage of the tree in the country, and Thailand in ASEAN
member countries. The cause of forest destruction is wanting to do business
in aspect of the wood, such as making industry. Sawmill Mills Housing or shops, 

making the tree was cut or cutting wood properly according to the law. To
increase the number of the country’s population results in destruction of the
forest to grow crops or raise animals for export economy. These can be
considered as a part of destroying forests. On the part of the Buddhist religion
is generally regarded as the starting point for the forestry resource conservation
by hotels using the principles of discipline including a role in the conservation
of the forest monks as a template in order to conserve forests, a Buddhist
practice, which will make the ASEAN member countries have green abundant
forests. The principles of Buddhism came into the wizard and can be applied
into some real results.

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