Buddhism and Holistic Education

Yoshiharu Nakagawa


This paper attempts to integrate the perspective of holistic
education (a postmodern view of education) with Buddhist worldviews.
It describes “the five dimensions of reality” that include objective reality,
social reality, cosmic reality, infinite reality, and universal reality, referring
to ideas derived from Mahayana Buddhist thought. Holistic education is
defined as an attempt to explore the multiple dimensions of reality in our
existence. It involves ideas such as “awakening” (bodhi) and “enlightenment”
(satori) at its core. Therefore, Buddhism plays a central role in the
development of holistic education by providing such concept as “enlightenment
education” (Thurman).

Keywords: Eastern philosophy, holistic education, Japanese Buddhism,
Mahayana Buddhism, multidimensional reality, Toshihiko Izutsu.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14456/jibs.2015.4


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