Conflict of Interest : COI

Thanayot Chawanit


Conflict of interest is an important problem of public sector management. It is a form of misconduct found abundance in Thai society. Conflict of interest is a situation in which government officials use their positions or authority and responsibility to make decisions seeking personal benefits or partisan. It has caused a loss to the public interests which means the financial benefits, quality in the service, fairness in society and other good value, including the opportunity to participate in the future. It reflects a lack of integrity and ethics in the performance of government official’s state that hinders the development of the country.

The measures used to prevent conflict of interest does not happen with government officials or authority to make decisions to include: 1. Qualification and Disqualification from office 2. Disclosure of personal Interest 3. Codes of ethics 4. Post-Office employment restriction. 5. Transfer rules in cultivating moral virtue to the members of the society 6. Strengthening the arena of civil society. 7. Legal update, including fixes to various regulations. 8. An independent organization reform acts against conflict of interest


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