The way to develop Campson Buddhist Development Centre to be the Buddhist Training Institute.

Sommai Doyodram, Phra Soravit Aphipanyo


      The research’s title “The way to develop Campson Buddhist Development Centre to be the Buddhist Training Institute” is aimed to present the way to upgrade the religious Developmental Center to be Buddhist Training Center and study the problems and obstacles in the development of Religious Developmental Center of Campson to be Buddhist Training Center by using the pattern of Qualitative Research and making the data-collection with In-depth Interview with the constructive questionnaire of key informants from the specific selection for 3 groups of 66 persons comprised of 13 who are the University’s administrators, the 18 who are the supporters of the center and 35 persons who
are the service-receivers of the center.

     The result is found that the key informants have the idea to promote the way or the movement in the development of Religious Developmental Center to be the Buddhist training center because the fundamental background of the center is established by the founder who intend to upgrade the center to be the training center in Buddhism especially in the function of Vipassana Meditation. Then, the way to preserve the ideal and intention of the founder of the center (Ajarn Porn Rattanasuwan) can be compared as the ways and driving force to make the persons who come to practice the meditation for salvation and follow the footprint of the Buddha. For the way of the administration and the management of the center is found that the management of the center now is depending of self-potential of the center but it is still necessary to ask for the support from MCU in enhance and encouragement for the participation in development from the experts, the governor monks in local area and the office of local governmental administrative institutes because the area has strong-point in natural environment of good place, comfortable for the training and meditation in the cool and comfortable weather all the year in the matter of natural place for practice meditation of the students of MCU.However, it has some limitations such as in the matter of not many personal officers who take care the center in large area, but if the center has the good administration and supporst the encouragement from various concerned institutes it is sure that enough for the that the center can be the potential area of the benefit to support the Buddhist meditation.

     Suggestion for the research to develop the area is found that it should enhance the personal officers, meditation-instructors, budgets, center’s developmental plan in clear and objective form. For the suggestion in next research, it should be the comparative study to the way of the development of the center in such pattern concerned to the administrative forms, the management of the training’s curriculum, the drag of the support from the concerned institutes in what aspects, what is its problems? What is its real obstacles of the center’s development both in and up-country set them as the way to develop and administrate the center in the future.

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