The Role of Opinion Leaders of the Greater Mekong Region: Phra Maha Rajchakru Phon Samek.

Phrabaidika suphot Ketnakorn


This article focuses on telling the history of the local monks in the Mekong region which plays a role in both the world and the religion, that is. “Phra Maha Rajchakru Phon Sa Mek” to provide understanding and knowledge about the relationship between the monks and people during the year 1665 - 1776 as well as an understanding of local history, linked to specific characteristics of the era. Though it is limited access to primary data makes it impossible to explain some issues clearly. The study found that Phra Maha Rajchakru Phon Samek’s outstanding is the role of proactive role as goodwill, especially as opinion leaders to promote peace in the Mekong region, avoid a power struggle, initiative to build Buddhist places of worship in Buddhism, such as Phra That Phanom. Moreover, it also adopted the principles of Buddhism to teach people to be strengthened to enhance society’s dependence on aid. In the area of governance, the Phra Maha Rajchakru Phon Samek when he was given Champasak city by Mrs. Pang, Champasak governor. He has adopted four criminal traditionally Xang. As well as bringing major heet12kong14 which is the successor practice since ancient times, strengthen the Royal Kingdom of Champasak and can expand by sending disciple to be leaders in various districts Mekong region.Such as Mukdahan, Nakhon Phanom, Suvarnabhumi,Yasothon Salawan, Srinakonket , Kamtong, Tapon, Uttapue, Kongjeam, Don Mot Dang, Sri Jambang, Rattanaburi.When Phra Maha Rajchakru Phon Samek superb foundation of the kingdom stable and then invite king descent to celabrate to be king of Champasak city in 1713, the name was King Soisrisamutputthangkul. Later, Phra Maha Rajchakru Phon Samek head to observe the Pontifical Theology and die at the age of 90 years in 1720, but his role and contributions also make faith to the people in Mekong region as long as today.


Phra Maha Rajchakru Phon Samek, the role of opinion leaders, Mekong region.

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